Image & Video Work

Album Cover

To start, the album name and band name were randomly selected through the title of a Wikipedia page and the last few words of a list of quotes. The band name given by the Wikipedia page was 'The Orators' and the album name given by the quotes page was 'Still Stressed'.

My album image was taken from, these photos are free to use therefore avoiding the copyright breach. I wanted my image to relate to either the album name, the band name or both. to do this I searched the word 'mouth',


For my logo, I have decided to design fir the fictional business 'Burns Industries' from the popular cartoon series The Simpsons. Mr Burns owns multiple venues in Springfield such as the Isotopes stadium, the casino, the opera house and the prison. However, this logo will focus on his main business venture - the nuclear power plant. I started by searching google images for some inspiration then I took specific elements from the images to form my four initial ideas.

Both development followed the


For my poster, I chose to create onr for the 2011 movie, Attack The Block. I started by looking on google images and pinterest for some inspiration then I took specific elements from the images to form my initial ideas. The research led me to decide that I wanted to make sure that my poster at least consisted of the main characters and clearly put across the alien/sci-fi theme. The posters that I found were mainly illustrated and the majority of them had a blue theme that was the same shade of b